Garage Door in Port Moody with Sheared Lag Bolts

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Garage Door in Port Moody with Sheared Lag Bolts

This is a view of a garage door in Port Moody with the lag bolt sheared off.

In the pictures above and below, you can see how the lag bolt has sheared right in half.

This is a view of a garage door in Port Moody with the lag bolt sheared off.

This homeowner had seven hinges with sheared lag bolts. Overtime, this can cause the sections on your garage door to separate, which is a much bigger job.
View of new and old lag bolts

Here you can see the new bolts compared to the old sheared ones.

Now that the sheared lag bolts have been replaced, this homeowner has a much safer garage door.
View of garage door in Port Moody with new lag bolts.
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