Uneven Garage Concrete Required Custom Scribe Repair in Burnaby
Uneven Settling of Pavement Requires Special Garage Door
Over the years you can expect some older houses to have some settling of soil / foundation around your house. The results of settling can be walls that crack, ceilings that sag or even in this case the edge of your garage door becomes uneven. You can see in the picture the top most corner of the door is dipping down and causing the garage door not to seal properly to the floor. This job required a custom scribe of the door to custom cut a 16 foot bottom section to compensate for any uneven concrete. With the fresh wood cut and assembled with new hardware the door was able to be used again without the fear of unwanted pests sneaking in. This type of repair do es require labor and in most cases a site inspection to assure all the materials and tools are brought to the job as required. Custom work has it’s rewards, please call us at: 604-940-8918 and we can discuss any kind of installs or repairs that you need.

After Scribe – Fresh notches for the hinges with exact profile removed for smooth operation of garage door