Wood Garage Door with 25 Year Old Bottom Seal Requires Replacement in Richmond

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Wood Garage Door with 25 Year Old Bottom Seal Requires Replacement in Richmond


Before imageAfter image


Before imageAfter image

Old Bottom seal that is not sealing the door properly.

View of the old bottom seal that has been compressed and sun damaged.

These nails that have been improperly fastened have been removed.

View of compromising nails that have been in a awful position for since the installation of the garage door 25-30 years ago.

In process view of bottom of door that has the bottom seal removed. You can see the old rusty nails that will be removed before the new bottom seal has been applied.

View of the bottom seal being applied to the wooden garage door.

In Process view of the new bottom seal being applied to the bottom of the door. The technician will organize the nail position so they are perfectly placed.

Another in process view of the bottom seal being applied.

After the nails have been applied to the bottom seal and astrical has been fastened flush to the bottom of the garage door.

Perfect view the finished look of the new bottom seal.

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