Photo Eye Clean Up and Weather Stripping Repair in Surrey

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Photo Eye Clean Up and Weather Stripping Repair in Surrey

Before imageAfter image
Before imageAfter image

Before photo eyes have been repaired / realigned. If you look closely you can see that the actual safety sensor’s enclosure is actually opened and is not pointing directly where it should be.

After photo eye safety sensors have been realigned and cleaned up. This looks 100x better and will make sure that the door will not have any phantom opening issues

After weather stripping has been hit by a car. This looks like hell, and needs to be adjusted or replaced. Replacement is advised this weather stripping is tin and is quite malleable.

After weather stripping has been repaired you can see the strip looks so much better. The customer choose to have the strip re-bent instead of replaced. Luckily the technician had a some black paint that was used to cover up the black paint scratched away from the Car Hit.

After Weather Stripping has been repaired and reattached to the door. Paint has also been applied and it looks not too bad compared to what it did look like.

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