Garage Door Loose Hardware Causes Sections to Sit Offset

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Garage Door Loose Hardware Causes Sections to Sit Offset

Before imageAfter image
Before imageAfter image
view of the offset garage door section.

Offset garage door section that is caused by loose hardware. This garage door has self tapping fasteners that can loosen. With a reapplication of the hardware, the fixed section will not have shadow showing the offset section.

after repairs have been made to the garage door.

Section re-fastened with fresh hardware. This fixed the issue and shows. The section is now flush and looks amazing. If you find you need your garage door repaired call: 604-940-8918 and we can fix your issues the same day.

Drum that has cable that is not properly wound onto the drum. This cable needs to be repaired before the door can be used properly.

Another view of the left drum that needs to be fixed.

After repairs have been made. You can see that the cable has been reattached to the drum properly. This repair will assure that the door will lift equally on both sides.

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