Customer Raised Flooring In North Vancouver Home Causing Garage Door Closing Issues
Customer Raised Flooring In North Vancouver Home Causing Garage Door Closing Issues

You can see the flooring that has been installed after the door was installed. This caused a few issues that needed to be resolved. In this view you can see that the construction site is still in development, which will be the reason for all the debris everywhere.

Top section of garage door that would not close. This is a serious issue that was not a issue during the original install of the door.

The issue which caused the top section to not close properly. The top fixtures had to be lowered to allow the roller to travel in the double track properly. You can see the wall is in close proximity to the left side of the door. This close proximity can cause issues when top assemblies are also in tight quarters.

The rising of the floor has caused the top section to be extra close to the center bearing plate. This back plate that is holding the center bearing plate is too close to the top section. This closeness had to be adjusted before the door would raise.