Old LiftMaster ReInstalled with a Modern LiftMaster with Belt Drive

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Old Chain Drive ReInstalled with a Modern Belt Drive Operator

Before imageAfter image


View of installed Liftmaster motor / Operator

View of after new operator has been installed. You will see the new style and light configuration. This unit comes standard with WiFi support. You can rest assured that this new model of garage door opener has the highest security available in this product.

View old garage motor that is about to be removed.

Before the new operator is installed. You will see this is a old LiftMaster motor that has the chain drive assembly. This motor is over twenty two years old and has seen years of good service. This upgrade will make the people that sleep above the garage feel better as there won’t be as much noise coming from the motor lifting and lowering the garage door.

View of old motor that is about to be removed.

Before the old motor has been installed. You will see that is motor has holes on the edge of the enclosure. This is a early indication that your motor has mechanical limit / force controls. This is a outdated system of operation. Modern systems use microcontrollers which are more sensitive and reliable. If you would like to talk to someone about your garage door please call us at: 604-940-8918

View of operator that has just been replaced with a belt drive system. The owners are impressed on how quiet the system is.

Close up view of final installed LiftMaster Belt drive garage door operator

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