Gear Kit Replacement in Vancouver

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Gear Kit Replacement in Vancouver

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view of plastic snow that forms around the worm gear

Gear showing the plastic snow that forms around the worm gear that drives the unit. This nylon gear that shreds is the fail safe between your motor causing serious damage. This gear needs to be replaced when the operator tries to open a door that is beyond the force that the motor can handle. This is also a common occurrence when a motor has been used for many years without a proper balancing of the door. The motor has to lift the door and if there is any kind of weight issue then this gear will be the part that fails.

view of overused broken gear in a garage door motor.

Gear inside a garage door operator that has seen the end of it’s life. This is what a gear looks like when it has been over used. This is a replaceable part that we are experienced at replacing. If you need your garage door to open your door like it used to. Please call us at: 604-940-8918 and we can complete any repairs that you need done.

view of new gear that has been installed in a older garage door motor.

After new gear has been replaced. You can see all the snow has been shoveled away and the new gear is ready for operation. You will see that the technician has also applied grease to the gear that will keep the gear friction free over the new few years of it’s life.

view of new gear inside garage door motor.

Another beautiful view of the new gear that has been replaced. You can also see clearly the grease that has been applied.

View of track that is loose from a old track bold not doing it's job.

Old Track bold that was not holding the track tight. This part during the install gets compressed into the track. You can see the little grooves on the end of the old bolt that gets pressed into the track. This part needs to be replaced.

If you see your parts not holding your garage door together properly then please call us at: 604-940-8918 and we can get a technician out to your address to repair any broken parts.

Track bolt that isn’t holding the safety sensors in the correct position. You can see the safet sensor is just hanging down pointing at the floor. This needs to be corrected before the door will close automatically. If you see your parts not holding your garage door together properly then please call us at: 604-940-8918

Track bold that has been replaced in the right side track. This is a common part that will get heavy wear and tear over the years. you can see the shiny new silver part that stands out from the old dirty parts.

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