Strutt Required for Double Car Garage Insulated Steel Door in Delta

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Strutt Required for Double Car Garage Insulated Steel Door in Delta

after strutt has been added to the garage door for extra support

After 16′ strutt has been added to garage door. This strutt is essential for the door to have a strong rigid look when the door is lifted. This door is a 16×8 semi insulated steel door. The manufacture has designed the door for a single strutt, but it time has proven that this model of door does perform better with a extra strutt added to the bottom section.

Strutt that has been added to the door for better support

Nice view of the strutt that has been added. This strut has been adjusted so that they strutt will keep the section level.

View of garage door with extra strutt added.

Out side view of door with the strutt added to the door. You can see that the door is not buckling.

Dent on edge.

Bottom section that has a little dent on the section seam. This is a hard area to fully bring back to original shape.


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