New LiftMaster Garage Door Operator Replacement for a Old Genie Garage Door Motor
New LiftMaster Garage Door Operator Replacement for a Old Genie Garage Door Motor

Blown Motor Starting Capacitor : This is a SERIOUS issue. The capacitor is what drives the motor. This part is essential to keep constant driving power to the motor. With out this your motor may just hum or just a clicking sound may arise when any attempt to operate the motor.

You can see the inside of the capacitor that is all blown out. This part is a part that can actually explode in a serious failure. This motor is over 25 years old and parts this old should be expected to break down and fail.

Failed Genie Motor – You will see in the pictures that the capacitor was the point of failure which in turn was giving a signal that the motor was about to fail.

View of a old Genie operator that has it’s cover removed. You can see our old sticker that we used to use. If your motor fails you and you are unsure where to look, in most cases there should be a repair sticker / install sticker near or on your door that should tell you some important repair history. Try to leave these stickers where they are to ask as a “Ships log” so you know what has happened along the way.

After new photo safety sensors have been added to the door. These sensors are from the LiftMaster Model 8355 Belt Drive Opener. The green light stats to the homeowner that the sensor has successfully received the transmitted safety signal. This green light will tell you that the door is working state and should close / open without any issues.

View of new pickup arm assembly that the LiftMaster Garage door openers use. You can see the emergency rope that hangs down letting you manually disengage the door so you can lift it manually.