Old Garage Door Operator Replaced with a LiftMaster Garage Door Motor in Vancouver

Old Stanley Garage door operator – This old motor has out lived it’s life. These motor have a security issue that is heavily documented online about. If you have one of these motors in your garage please call us at: 604-890-8918 and we can discuss your options.

After New LiftMaster garage door operator has been installed. This modern garage door motor has modern security that will stop any hi-tech bandit in their tracks

Old Door bell activation button for the old garage door operator. Defiantly the new LiftMaster wall button will let people know that they are not at your front door.

View of garage door area where safety sensors should be installed. But since the Stanley operator is older than when sensors where mandatory, sensors will be added here.

New Control Panel . You will notice the slick features and modern look of the new wall control panel.