Unprofessional Craigslist Repair Men Mangle Garage Door in Surrey
Unprofessional Craigslist Repair Men Mangle Garage Door in Surrey
Craigslist Repair men convince a Surrey family that they could repair their garage door as required. After over a hour of unprofessional repairs they tell a story on how their changes to the door are all proper and they leave after collecting some cash. It turned out that their repairs only lasted four weeks before the door failed to open; which was a result of cables slipping off the Drum because of improper alignment of the bearing plate assemblies. You can see in the following pictures how crazy the changes where and how obvious hiring a Craigslist repair men is a bad idea.

Improper Pickup arm position showing the angle and the stresses that are at play. You can see the flexing of the Pickup Arm with about a 30 because the bracket was mounted in the wrong position. The angle of the pickup arm is beyond the allowable tolerances that the door was designed for which will result in a door that does not operate properly.

Upside down Pickup arm installed by unprofessional Craigslist repair men. Be warned there are people out there that will not repair your door properly and if you do encounter repair men that are suspect are not professional please do not let them touch your door. Your garage door is the heaviest, largest thing in your home and you don’t want to let someone that is untrained in it’s repair to put you or your family at risk.
Craigslist Repair Men Fail. Always hire professionals.
The repairing of the issues did take a little over an hour to complete. You will see the changes are numerous and the pictures will tell a thousand words. When our service technician arrived it was evident after seeing how the trolley bracket was fastened that it became clear that a fine hand over the complete working assembly of the door was required. After tackling the issues of the trolley, the focus was shifted to the end bearing plates and alignment issues. If the end bearing plates are not setup properly it is guaranteed that your door will not run as designed.

Properly Mounted Trolley Wall Bracket – you will see the two strong lags holding the bracket squarely on the wall.

End Bearing plate properly mounted. You will see the bearing plate is not binding against the Left Drum (sprayed red)

Properly Mounted Back-hanging of the track support hangers (punched angle holding tight against ceiling)